5 Questions to Ask Before Buying a Water Purification System

Each industry, especially those involved in manufacturing, must comply with a regulated set of standards to ensure water quality and safety. Regardless of your sector, your water system must have the capabilities to filter out water in an efficient yet environmentally friendly manner. As you search for water filtration technology in Australia to adhere to these standards, you’ll need to know what to look for and the right questions to ask.

Having the right information before you settle on an industrial water filtration system is essential to choosing the ideal one for your business. You’ll have to ensure that the system effectively removes contaminants and other particles at a reasonable price. Here are five questions to ask a water purification specialist before purchasing a system:

What Kind of Water Do I Need?

The kind of water you need highly depends on your industry. For example, pharmaceutical manufacturers need sterile water for their products. They require sterile water for their purification methods, which allows them to curb bio-contamination. 

Different industries follow different regulations surrounding the ways they need to filter water before or after use, so you’ll want to ask the specialist’s advice on the type of filtration system you need. Depending on the nature of your business, you’ll likely need different filters to achieve different water qualities. If your facility requires numerous water types, the specialist can find ways to adjust your pre-treatment system so it can deliver multiple levels of purity. 

What Impurities Do I Need to Remove?

Contaminated water contains many harmful substances that go beyond microbes and fungi. It can contain chemicals that change its pH balance and heavy metals that are hazardous to humans. Other substances like chlorine and salt ions may also affect the water quality and have an impact on your production systems.

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