Healthy Lifestyle: Drinking Water

Eunice tests out 2 months of drinking 2 liters of water a day! Follow her on her journey to becoming healthier in 2016. She gives some great tips as well as some TMI!


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Homemade Water Filter – DIY water filtration – (clear/clean water when you need it!) – simple design

Homemade Water Filter. DIY water filtration. simple design. needed: plastic bottle, sand, gravel. small piece of cotton and activated carbon (can be found at walmart/pet stores and wherever aquarium supplies are sold). filter should last 2 to 4 weeks before you have to change carbon. remember to rinse activated carbon before using it (or water will have a blackish color). when SHTF in an emergency be ready.…

Healthy water infusions!

Good morning Facebook, You Tube and Twitter family! I’m so grateful that all of you are here today in my kitchen! I’ve got something SO AMAZING for y’all this morning, healthy water infusions, YAY! We all MUST drink water everyday, so why not make it infused water full of natural vitamins and minerals! I hope you like this video and if you would like to learn how you can take off as much as ten pounds in ten days, check out my Digital Detox at this link below! Namaste…

Best Whole Home Well Water Filtration System and Why You Should You Should Purchase. Free Shipping.

This System chlorinates- disinfects and then “Removes chlorination” before entering the home- Softens and Conditions and removes Rotten egg sulfur odors and iron and filters contaminates deeper then any full platform system. It does it all and you get the highest technology for middle of the road pricing. The most reliable operation with easy to use features. Can even go into a “Shock mode to treat existing bacterial conditions in your homes piping !” …. Nothing else even comes close. There is no “second best” in water well treatment only headaches and poor water quality.

The purchase of a filter or filter system for well water for your home can be a long confusing process. Many dealers selling the same equipment blow molded in the 70s during the housing boom. Our systems are engineered from the ground up to treat raw well water and power through the process with a system that regenerates And renews itself after each automated cycle! No filter elements to change.

This video will walk you through the process and help you make an educated purchase decision so you do not have to this again. I’m a full time filter mechanic with 40 years of experience engineering systems that solve problems others failed at. Don’t buy a filter or system that can create new problems .. You really can have safe clean perfect water on virtually any potable well for your home. This is as always a full disclosure statement as all my information has been since we opened in 1980.

Don’t waste your hard earned money and get locked into costly services fixing a system that is not even doing the job ..sooner or later you will install one of our custom systems if you stay in that home … Why do this job two …

Healthy Water | 6 Important Features of Healthy Water
Healthy water is more than mere clean water. Pure water and distilled water are clean but not necessary healthy. While debate has been ongoing for years about what defines healthy water, Alkaline Water Malaysia identifies at least 6 important features or characteristics which are important in healthy water for drinking. Please visit Alkaline Water Malaysia at…

DIY Home Water Filter (5 stage no RO)

1 hour complete build video. Who loves ya baby?
Parts list:

My take on a 5 stage water filter system. Lowest recurring filter cost. No reverse osmosis drawbacks.

Side note:
This setup is for a single dedicated drinking water faucet. It has great flow rate for that.
If you are looking to remove chlorine and/or chloramines from your whole house supply, you may need to go BIG.

See this page for info:

Catalytic carbon in large bulk bags (0-150) is the only way to get rid of chloramines from most modern water treatment.
KDF55 only removes chlorine *not* the more dangerous chloramines.

Smaller 4.5″ x 20″ refillable filter canisters *might* be able to cheaply do your whole house or apartment supply.
Have not tested this personally.

Find out what water treatment is used in your area and act accordingly.…

Healthy Water Hindi Video

Alkaline water has a higher pH level than regular drinking water. Because of this, some advocates of alkaline water believe it can neutralize the acid in your body. Normal drinking water is generally a neutral pH of 7. Alkaline water generally has a pH of 8 or 9 or 10…

Make A Water Filtration System Clean Water Science Lab Demonstrated

This is a demonstration of the clean water science lab I recently purchased. It teaches you the basics of water filtration and purification. There are multiple experiments in the box. For today I am trying out the water filter.

This is the same principal used by the large water treatment plants in the city.

You can use this idea to make your own clean water filter for your off grid home.…

DIY Berkey Survival Water Purification System! $AVE!

Build it yourself survival/emergency water purification using Black Berkey Filter Elements. Get free food-grade containers at bakeries and food stores, spigots at or local hardware stores, and Berkey Black filters on the Internet. Be prepared or be ensnared!

This system will filter and help PURIFY dirty water, removing most germs, VOC’s, heavy metals, and other nastiness from lakes, streams, puddles, and other sources of water (unless extremely polluted or poisonous). It can also be used on a daily basis to purify your tap water. I also added the PF-2 (not pictured) Fluoride reduction elements.…

RV Water Filtration Systems


RV Water Filtration is important. Filters keep dirt, sediment, and even cysts from entering your RV and clogging up your water using appliances including your water heater, sinks, toilet, and shower. RV Water Filtration also supplies you with cleaner drinking water, and removes some or all of the chlorine, which is bad for your skin and bad to breath while showering.

Our RV Water Filtration System was purchased from

We are not affiliated with RV Water Filter Store in any way, however Richard did help me choose our system.

We have a 3 canister water filter system complete with a Watts 263A-LF adjustable water pressure regulator with pressure gauge.

We always run a 5 micron or smaller particle/sediment filter in addition to a carbon filter to remove chlorine and bad taste.

If you part-time or vacation in your RV, make sure to use cartridges that are ‘bacteriostatic’ as that means they won’t grow bacteria or algae when not in use.

If you full-time, you can use ‘standard’ household cartridges as they’ll have enough water movement that bacteria and algae won’t be able to grow.…

Tired Of Drinking Plain Water? Make Healthy Flavored Water With Fruit And Herbs. It’s Easy.

I’m going to show you how to save money by making your own flavored water. It’s easy, healthy, and delicious.
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Do you realize we need to be drinking half our weight in ounces of water everyday? Yes it is true. The average human is comprised of about 60 to 65% water.

Every system in our bodies relies on water, from digestion, to our hearts, liver, kidneys and joints, to name a few.

It’s easy to get dehydrated too. I believe we should drink 1/2 our weight in ounces of water every day. Others say eight 8 ounce glasses a day. That’s an easy way to remember how much to drink but it doesn’t take into account how big we are. Thats why I like the 1/2 your weight in ounces method.

If you are like me, you sometimes get bored with drinking plain water. So adding some fruit seems to make a lot of sense to me. You can also add herbs like rosemary, basil, and mint for additional flavor.

You can also add vegetables like cucumbers or celery.

If you are really in a hurry and don’t have time to cut up fruit and veggies, your best bet is to use organic frozen berries. Yup, pop them right out of the freezer and into your container or jar and add water. Your done. Simple and fast.

Here are the combinations we put together today:
1. orange, lemon and lime slices
2. watermelon, rosemary, and basil
3. frozen berry mix (raspberry, blueberry, blackberry)

So here are some other variations you can make up.

1. cucumber and water
2. strawberries and mint
3. pineapple and orange
4. jalapeno and watermelon…

DIY Water Filtration System For Cabin Or Camp

Lonnie shows here how he built (and how you can too) a water filtration system that is great for a small cabin or camp or even to have for emergencies in town. The total cost to build was MUCH cheaper that the professionally manufactured filtration systems but yet it is every bit as effective since it uses the same ceramic filters as they use. It is a very simple project and uses the tools that you may already have.…

Gofora Japanese Healthy water DEMO

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How To Turn A Reverse Osmosis Filtration System Into An Alkaline Water System for written instruction. To purchase a alkaline filter visit or visit us at (805) 647-3365. Leave a comment or rating letting us know what you think. Thank you

Many people are hearing more and more about the health benefits of Alkaline Ionized Water for their diet. There are counter top ionized water systems but Bill will show you are to turn your Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water System into a Alkaline Water System so you will have the benefits of having harmful contaminates in the water removed and than have the PH and Oxygen reintroduced back into the water.

Alkaline water tastes sweeter than RO water. Alkaline Technology continues to increase in popularity in the water purification industry.

Author Ray Kurzwell, a member of the National Investors Hall of Fame says Alkaline Water has extended benefits beyond increasing the PH of water. The Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) is the most important benefit. The (ORP) is an indicator of how bio-available and bio-absorbable a product will be.

The lower the reading below 0 millivolts (mv), the more ions will be available to assist with metabolic functions. A very high negative ORP is desirable because it is very useful at attacking dangerous free radicals and stops them from harming healthy cells.…

Healthy Drinking Water – What Is It?

Healthy Drinking Water – What is it?

Do you know what is in your water?
Do you know where your healthy water comes from?
How do you decide if you have healthy water?
What water would you approve your family to drink?

We suggest that healthy water has all contaminants removed through a form of water purification.

However the water should still have moderate levels of beneficial naturally occurring minerals. A TDS count less than 200 is good.

Healthy water should also have a slightly alkaline pH between 7.2 – 7.6

Visit to see how you can make sure your home is providing this healthy water.…

H2O+ Cypress counter top water filtration system.

I was so much excited and said to myself, “vow!” when I opened the box. This is the exact water filter I had been longing for, for several years, since I was very much disappointed with the bulky and heavy, under the counter Reverse Osmosis water filter.
It is so easy to use, and you can connect it under one minute. I have added a video demonstration of how to connect it. Just find the right adapter for the faucet from the supplied box . Connect it to the faucet. Connect the 1/4 inch polyurethane tubing to the quick connect adapter. Now connect the other end of the tube to the water quick connect inlet behind the filter unit. That’s it. You are ready to enjoy clean water. (When using first the time and when you change filters, you need to run the water for 10 minutes to purge out the contaminants and carbon.)
It can be also connected to under sink water connector with a or even to the refrigerator water connector with a ‘T” connector.
If you do not like to leave it on the counter, you can fill your water bottles. The amazing filtration system produces 1 liter of of water every 30 seconds, I filled five 3 liter bottles in 7 minutes 30 seconds!…

Healthy Lifestyle | How to Make Fruit Infused Water

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I prefer the melon/berry mixes over the citrus ones, but feel free to mix them how you like. The possibilities are endless!

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