Alkaline Drinking Water: World’s Most Healthy Water Part 1

Water is one of the most important factors for becoming and staying healthy and vibrant. Our body contains 70% water contents and our blood is 94% water — if we follow the recommendation to drink at least two liters of water per day and this water is acidic and polluted — imagine what this will do to our bodies? Therefore, it’s important to keep that water supply fresh and clean.

When considering what water to be drinking, there are 4 different criteria that the water you drink should be judged by: Purity, pH, Mineral Content and Oxygen Content. As the majority of the foods we eat create acid wastes in our system, it is important to drink alkaline water in order to maintain an optimal health and energy.

Proper hydration of alkaline water plays a critical role in the alkaline diet for your health. The purpose of alkaline drinking water for your health is not only hydration, but also to help flush the body of acidic wastes and toxins. 2.5 liters of water is lost each day through normal bodily functions. Therefore, it’s extremely important that your body be continuously in a properly hydrated state.