Surprising health benefits of filtered water
Seven Good Reasons to Drink Filtered Water – Pure Living Space

While having your mind boggled by the myriad methods of getting super healthy in a super quick time, one simple truth usually escapes us: filtered water is really good for you. Lots of it. All the time. 

Filtered water can do wonders for you that bogus remedies can only dream of (but still market themselves as being able to do so).

But if the quality of the main ingredient of your health regimen is inferior, then it pretty much negates the benefit of any other nutritious stuff you also consume. 

If your water isn’t palatable, you’re just not going to drink enough of it and might end up reaching for the unhealthy soft drink to quench your thirst. 

So why is filtered water better than the alternatives? Here are our top five reasons:

1) No Chlorine

You know that stingy, pongy stuff they use to disinfect swimming pools? Yup – that’s also used to disinfect your drinking water. 

That’s why your tap water might taste a bit bitter and have a slight whiff that really shouldn’t be there. We really don’t fancy too much chemical disinfectant in our daily drink. 

A decent carbon filter will reduce chlorine by 99%.

2) No nasty bits

Your drinking water may be relatively free of loads of dirt when it leaves the water treatment works, but it travels a fair old distance before it gets to your taps.

It could be traveling miles through rusty old pipes, and that’s even before it has to go through the pipework in your building – which could also be donkey’s years old.

Even though you can’t always see bits of rust, sand, and other dirt coming out of your tap – it’s there. Take a look at what Virgin Pure’s filters pick up in a typical home:…

Everything You Need to Know About a Water Filter System

Water is one of the most universal components of life. It is necessary to keep our bodies alive and healthy. Various physiological processes require water, and it makes up over 70 percent of our anatomy. We drink it, but we also bathe with it and use it for cooking and cleaning.

Everyday appliances like dishwashers and washing machines depend on it to work. So what could be more important than having fresh, clean, healthy water available in our homes and workplaces?

There are several ways to ensure that you have access to safe water for drinking and other practical, daily uses. One option is a water cooler — such as a bottleless water cooler — which are environmentally friendly, efficient and affordable.

Another dependable and comprehensive option to providing access to fresh, clean water is a water filter system. A water filter system can be installed at the counter top level, under the sink or even for your whole house or place of business.

What Is Water?

Water consists of two elements, hydrogen and oxygen, which make up a molecule of water. There are two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, which are held together by strong covalent bonds, resulting in the chemical formula H2O. A glass of water is a collection of many of these molecules.

Water can obviously be found in different forms depending on the temperature — in addition to liquid form, there is gas and solid. Water is colorless and odorless, though it may appear off-color or acquire odors when contaminated with bacteria or other dangerous substances.

The Problems with Hard Water

In cases in which water is considered “hard,” other elements can be present besides hydrogen and oxygen. Some of the elements that might be present in hard water include:

  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Iron
  • Manganese
  • Aluminum

Although generally safe to …

Water Filter Facts: How Filtered Water Can Help Improve Your Health
Water Filter Facts: How Filtered Water Can Help Improve Your Health

Water is vital to life, and adequate hydration is critical to a healthy human body. Without proper hydration, our health may become compromised, and our bodies can stop functioning correctly. We rely on water not just for hydration, but also for cooking, bathing, and cleaning, as well as for an assortment of other reasons.

What we don’t often consider is how the quality of the water we consume relates directly and indirectly to our health. If you are using water straight out of the tap, it can undermine your overall health. When you use tap water, you are likely getting more than you bargained for with a witches’ brew of pesticides, prescription drugs, chlorine, arsenic, and other contaminants.

To understand how filtered water can improve your health, we must first learn where our water comes from, what contaminates it, and why it is essential to use a water filter to remove harmful contaminants and reduce our exposure to toxins.

Where does drinking water come from?

The drinking water that flows from your faucet originates either from the Earth’s surface or underground. Water originating on the Earth’s surface is called surface water and includes rivers, lakes, streams, and reservoirs. Water located underground is called groundwater. Groundwater collects in aquifers and is brought to the surface by a well.

Is all drinking water pure water?

There is a widespread belief that any water coming out of the tap is pure, clean, and healthy. We assume it has been adequately treated and purified in a top-notch water treatment facility before traveling through squeaky-clean pipes until it reaches our faucet. This assumption, however, is not always correct. Water can travel long distances before we consume it, giving it plenty of time to pick up contaminants along the way.

Is all drinking water healthy water?

How Water Filters Benefit the Environment

A huge part of living a happier and healthier life is protecting the natural environment. For many of us, that means adopting sustainable habits, like using energy-efficient light bulbs and appliances, recycling plastic waste, or even filtering our drinking water. Yes, you heard it right; installing a water filter in your home is an easy and impactful way to help preserve our precious planet.

Over the past few decades, bottled water has become one of the most common ways Americans access clean water. After all, it is highly convenient and offers on-the-go hydration, increasing water consumption among the population. However, alongside those remarkable benefits is a massive trade-off: the discarded plastic bottles wreaking havoc on the environment.

Bottled water production produces about 300 million tons of plastic bottle waste every year, most of which don’t make it to a recycling facility or landfill. Usually, they end up as litter in our natural environment, where they can remain for up to 450 years before they decompose. Then again, studies suggest that plastic doesn’t biodegrade. Instead, it breaks down into other forms, like smaller fragments called “microplastics,” known to pollute water and impact human health when ingested.

So, how do water filters help prevent plastic pollution and other planet-threatening events? We’re happy you asked! Continue reading as we explore the benefits of using a water filter to help protect the environment.

First off, what is a water filter, and how does it work?

Water is amazingly good at dissolving things (thanks mainly to its unusual molecular structure.) Because of this, we may find that our drinking water sometimes contains all sorts of unpleasant materials we certainly don’t want inside our bodies.

Fortunately, a water filter is designed to remove these unwanted contaminants and impurities, thus producing fresher, cleaner, and safer water. Generally, …

5 Tips to Choosing a Whole House Well Water Filter
Whole House Well Water Filter

A whole house filter is a type of filter that is connected to the main supply so that the water that enters your house is already treated. Unlike point-of-use filters, which are installed to filter water from the house, point-of-entry filters let your water dispensers – kitchen, laundry, bathtubs, showers and toilets dispense filtered water. Water filtration is an easy process that ensures water flowing has great taste and is purified. At Schultz Soft Water, our professionals know that the type of filter that you purchase can impact the quality and the amount of water that can flow in your house. As a rule, you need to consider the credibility and the reputation of the company or the vendor that you want to deliver the filters. Here are the top 5 tips on choosing the best whole house water filters for your home.

1 – Decide on the Type of Whole House Filter

Choosing the type of filter to be installed depends on the type of contaminants in your water. You need to talk to a professional to determine which contaminants you need to remove from the water flowing into your home. If your main water line is maintained by a municipal service, you may need to remove sediments, chlorine, minerals and chemicals.

If you are considering connecting your home with private water well, you will need to remove contaminants such as hardness minerals, iron and sediment. However, the number of contaminants in the water may vary in from mild to toxic. We at Schultz Soft Water understand that the correct selection of the filter is important in ensuring that only completely filtered water flows in your dispensers. Our professionals can help with analyzing your water to help make the right decision.

2 – Know the Flow Rate of Your

6 Tips to Choose Best Whole House Water Filter

Filtering water for personal use is now a necessity for a healthy living. The quality of water supply we use contains contaminants which pose threat to our health. There are many companies that provide water filtration solutions and you can choose from a variety of water filters fit for your use. But people often commit mistakes in choosing the best fit water filter depending on their needs and supply line factors.

Understand POE & POU

POE stands for Point of Entry and POU for Point of Use. The water filters are divided into these two groups based on your requirements. Point of Use filters are installed inside the house in places like faucets, under the sink, showers. They serve single purpose for the place they are installed in. But Point of entry is a multipurpose water filter. POE water filters are installed directly to the supply line entry of your house and provide clean drinking water to all the sub-lines. One of the best POE water filters is whole house water filter which is the one stop solution for all your personal water needs.

Why Whole House Water Filters?

10 Best Whole House Water Filters for Well & City Water 2021

Whole house water filters are connected to the main supply line so that the water that enters your house is treated. Unlike Point of Use water filters, whole house water filters connect to all faucets and sinks of the house and provide clean water for drinking, laundry, kitchen ware cleaning, cooking, bathing and toilet use

Whole house filters are powerful devices which eliminate up to 98% of water contaminants including:

  • Organic contaminants like bacteria, algae, fungi and other harmful microorganisms
  • Hazardous metals like lead, iron, arsenic and mercury
  • Rotten egg odor
  • Unpleasant taste
  • Sediments including salts, soil and micro rocks

Getting Point of Entry whole house filters provides benefits …

Importance of Water Filtration System for Domestic and Commercial Purposes

Clean water is a necessity in our everyday lives. Water derived from major water resources may comprise various impurities. This can be reduced through water filtration, which is the primary water sanitization technique used for water purification. Water filtration helps separate contaminants from water. There are multiple types of water filtration techniques, yet importance goes to the applications. Regardless of the area of application, domestic or commercial, the water filtration systems have their undeniable significance in human lives. This post talks about the importance of water filtration systems in both domestic and industrial applications.

What is the importance of the Water Filtration System in Domestic Water Purification?

With increasing concerns about human health and hygiene, clean water is very important for domestic human needs. Water is used for drinking, washing, cleaning, and many other purposes in the household. Drinking water must be free of any harmful contaminants to maintain human health. Water filtration systems are designed to produce clean water. They are fitted with filters, which retain contaminants and allow water to pass through. Is that all? No. there is more to it. How do they help improve the purity of water? The next section discusses it in detail.

Know-How Water Filtration Systems Aid in Domestic Water Purification

There are several types of water filtration systems available in the market. They all have typical features, too. Although these systems are designed to filter contaminants of specific types and sizes, they largely help in the following ways:

  • Filtration of Chemical Contaminants: Tap water consists of chemical contaminants such as chlorine, lead, fluorides, and nitrates. These chemical contaminants are hazardous to human health. Various studies confirm that contaminated water, especially with high chlorine concentration, increases the risk of birth defects and urinary tract abnormalities in the children.  Lead, is another chemical contaminant
What to Look For In a Water Filter
Benefits of a Water Filtration System for Home Use | KS Services

With the various types of water filters out there, finding the right system doesn’t have to be as confusing or challenging as it might seem. Knowing what to look for in a water filter can help you seek out the features that will give you the most benefit. Understanding common water filter features can help you separate hype from what really works, leaving you with a system that will meet your needs for years to come.

Water Filtration Breakdown

The Seven Steps Of The Water Purification Process – Diesel Plus

Let’s start by discussing what water filtration is. Water filtration is the process of removing contaminants or unwanted substances from contaminated water through the use of physical, chemical, or biological media. 

In a residential setting, this is most often done through the use of physical filtration using a semipermeable membrane in reverse osmosis systems, or a multi-media system with at least one filter consisting of activated carbon.

Water Filtration vs. Water Softening

Water Softener vs. Water Filter: Which Do I Need? - Filtersmart

Water softeners also remove unwanted material from a water source, but it is important to understand how water softening systems and clean water filtration systems are different. In a sense, water softening is a type of filtration because they remove hard minerals from water. These minerals are usually calcium carbonate and magnesium, but water softeners can also remove heavy metals that contribute to water hardness like lead, copper, and iron.

Water softening systems function through a process known as ion exchange. Hard water is passed through a tank containing resin beads with sodium ions attached. As the water passes over these beads, the mineral ions attached to the water molecule are attracted to the resin beads and replaced with a sodium ion. Periodically, the minerals attached to the beads are flushed from the system.

In contrast, water filtration involves passing water through a physical object through which water molecules …

When to Change a Home Water Filter
Man in kitchen pouring glass of filtered water

A water filter takes away tap water impurities like chlorine taste, odor, zinc, copper, cadmium, and mercury. There are several water filters for soft water filtration like activated carbon filters, reverse osmosis, alkaline water ionizers, UV filters, and infrared filters. Pitcher water filters are common and use granulated activated charcoal to remove contaminants. Although they are inexpensive, they require frequent replacements for the filter and cartridge.

When to Change It

Replacing your water filter depends on several factors. Water filters typically have an estimated life cycle that’s measured in gallons of water. However, this is only a guideline based on average water use. This isn’t always a good indicator since water use varies per household. There are several things that can affect the life of your filter. Consider the following:​

  • The overall condition of your water in terms of contaminants and how much must be filtered.
  • If you have hard water (heavy with minerals), which causes the scale to build up and clog the filter.
  • If you use more water than the average family household.
  • How well your water was previously treated or filtered.

Ultimately, when an active carbon filter becomes clogged (or for some reason can no longer attract particles and contaminants) it becomes ineffective and useless. That’s when it’s time to replace it.

Signs That It Needs Replacement

If you detect an odor in the water, or it takes on an unpleasant taste, it’s most likely time to replace your water filter. There could also be a gradual decrease in water pressure, which signals the need for a new one. You could always use the visual indication (located on filters with clear containers) that let you know when the filter is dirty and in need of a change. Always check the manufacturer’s water usage guidelines to make sure you haven’t …

Top 5 Things to Do to Have Healthier Water
Drinking Water Week | Drinking Water | Healthy Water | CDC

Every year during the month of August we celebrate National Water Quality Month. It makes sense that it’s during the hottest month of the year, too. This is the season when hydration matters the most — for our plants, our furry friends, our families, and our own bodies. Last year we discussed the myriad of ways in which water matters to our lives. And this year, we’re putting all of our focus on the positives: how to have healthier water in your own home.

Because no matter if you’re on well water, city water, or just looking to filter contaminants in your kitchen, there are so many ways to get clean, healthy water for your whole family.


Most cities source their water from the closest river, aquifer or lake. At Aquasana (headquartered in sunny Austin, Texas), our water is sourced from the Colorado River as it runs into Lake Travis and Lake Austin.

But no matter which municipality you’re drawing water from, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires that each municipality test and release an annual water quality report (every July 1st) called the Consumer Confidence Report (CCR). This report will tell you everything you need to know about the quality of the water as it leaves the treatment facility and reaches your home.

Using Austin for an example, a recent Water Quality Report revealed contaminants present in drinking water, including, “viruses and bacteria…pesticides and herbicides…organic chemicals, from industrial or petroleum use, [and] radioactive materials, which can be naturally-occurring.”

But here’s the thing. That report shows what happens after treatment, not before. And even though the EPA says these contaminants are okay in small amounts, that doesn’t sit well with us and shouldn’t sit well with you either. As a …

How Do Water Filters Work? What are Water Filters?

Water Filters remove unwanted impurities from water such as sediment, taste and odour, hardness and bacteria to result in better quality water. From producing better-tasting drinking water to more specialist applications such as brewing coffee and making crystal clear ice, we offer a huge range of filters and cartridges to solve any number of water-related issues.

The 5 Types of Filters

Household Jug Water Filter

Subject to your application, i.e. what you’re trying to remove or in some circumstances trying to stop, there are 5 types of water filters:

  1. Mechanical Filters
  2. Absorption Filters
  3. Sequestration Filters
  4. Ion Exchange Filters
  5. Reverse Osmosis Filters

Each one of these addresses a different water problem and many filters actually use a combination of these methods to perform multiple levels of filtration.

How Do They Work?

Water is one of the most important substances on the planet, it covers 71% of the Earth’s surface and the human body can contain as much as 75% of the stuff. Water is vital to a huge number of applications including agriculture, science, medical, transportation, heating, recreation and food processing as well as washing and perhaps most important of all: drinking.

For the majority of us, drinking water comes from a treated municipal supply which is safe to drink but will often feature unpleasant tastes and odours from chemicals such as chlorine which are used to disinfect the water and keep it free of germs and bacteria. Depending on where you live, you may also find that your mains water causes limescale deposits to form which can block pipes and damage appliances. These issues, chlorine taste / odour and limescale formation are just two among a host of other common water problems which can be solved by water filtration. But how do water filters actually work?


The basic idea of mechanical filtration is …

Water Filtration Systems for Your Faucet
filtration | Definition, Examples, & Processes | Britannica

Water filtration is a general term that refers to any system or process that is used to filter out particles and pollutants from water. It doesn’t necessarily need to be a purifier to make the cut. Anything that removes any amount of particles, sediment, bacteria, and the chlorine taste can be called water filtration. If it has a filter of any type, it’s a filtration system.

Types of Filtration

Filtration systems can include activated carbon charcoal filters either designed within a pitcher or included as part of a faucet-mount or tap-installed filter, ultraviolet (UV) light units, reverse osmosis, water distillers (whole system or portable counter), or another form of water treatment process. The term incorporates home filter systems, as well as much larger scale municipal or public water treatment plants. Some appliances are also designed with water filtration features such as refrigerator models which come with onboard filtered water/ice or freestanding water cooler/dispensers.FEATURED VIDEO

Volume 0% DIY Citrus and Herb Sprays for a Cleaner Green Home

There are many different types of water filters available, and your buying decisions will be influenced by the present condition of your water. If it’s not potable, you’ll need a process to remove or destroy harmful bacteria, minerals, and pollutants for starters. Your local water expert is the best professional to help you evaluate your choices.

Once water testing has confirmed what is in your water, you will be given remedy options to make your drinking water safe (potable). Installation requirements and costs will be discussed, based on needs and whether you own your home or not. Today, there are many choices, and these systems are much more affordable than they were a decade ago.

Keep It Clean

Whether you choose a small filter or a large unit, maintenance is key to …

As much as half of the world’s water supply is being stolen, report finds
A farmer waters crops at a field amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, in Jutland, Denmark April 22, 2020. Henning Bagger/Ritzau Scanpix/via REUTERS  ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. DENMARK OUT. NO COMMERCIAL OR EDITORIAL SALES IN DENMARK. - RC2R9G9VYHQW

As much as half the world’s water supply is being stolen, with agriculture responsible for much of that, according to a new study.

Writing in the journal Nature Sustainability, an international team of researchers says thieves steal between 30% and 50% of the planet’s water supply every year. Overhauling legal and political frameworks could protect precious water supplies, they say.

Have you read it?

  • 380 million people could face ‘water stress’ by 2050, climate experts warn
  • 5 lessons for the future of water
  • 3 ways to put water onto the climate agenda

The theft of water takes various forms, including using treated drinking water without paying for it and taking water from natural sources in breach of environmental guidelines. Agriculture, which accounts for 70% of global water use, is often to blame. The report found that social attitudes and uncertainty over future supply help drive crime.

A ‘challenge for humanity’

While water theft does take place in richer nations, those stealing water are often poor and vulnerable people in developing countries, according to the paper. Combined with a lack of data, this has led to the issue being under-researched.

So the team, led by the University of Adelaide, developed a novel framework and model to help study the issue. They applied this to three examples of water theft: growing marijuana in California; cultivating strawberries in Spain; and cotton farming in Australia. In the Spanish case study, water was being taken from an area protected from migratory birds.

Although the study calls for tougher penalties for stealing water, the authors note that where people understand water regulations and believe everyone else is obeying the rules, water theft is much lower.

“Water crises constitute a challenge for humanity,” says the report, urging authorities to recognize the urgency of the situation. …

The Effectiveness of Home Water Purification Systems on the Amount of Fluoride in Drinking Water
Learn About Water Filters | Types, Benefits, Comparison


Statement of the Problem

Water purification systems for domestic use have drawn significant attention over the past few years. This can be related to the improvement of public health and concern for water contamination. 


The aim of this study was to evaluate whether home water purification systems eliminate essential materials such as fluoride besides filtrating the heavy ions and other unwanted particles out of water.

Materials and Method

In this experimental study, the six most frequently used commercial brands of water purifiers were evaluated and compared. Specimens were collected right before and after setting up the device, and 6 months later. Then, spectrophotometry (the Harrison device) was performed to compare fluoride clearance by each home water cleaner device.


Based on the data collected from all water purification devices in different locations, the amount of fluoride was significantly different before and right after using the home water purifier and six months later (p= 0.001 and p= 0.00, respectively).


The filtration of water significantly decreased its fluoride concentration. The fluoride content of purified water was approximately as much as zero in some cases. Keywords: Water Purification, Fluoride, SpectrophotometryGo to:


Fluoride is a natural element branched from Fluorine. This element can be found in all sorts of water and soil. Out of every kilogram of the outer layer of earth, 0.3 gram is fluoride. Mineral waters have more amount of this element compared to other sources.(1)

About 60 years ago, Grand Rapids in Michigan State was the first city in which fluoride supplement was synthetically added to tap water. In US, adding fluoride to community water supplies of many cities has improved the oral health of millions of American citizens.(2)

Life-saving methods for water purification Part 2 - WATEROAM

Fluoridation of community water supplies is adding a specific amount …

The Secret To A Healthy Body & Mind – Distilled Water ✅ (Radio Show)

Andrew Norton Webber on A Fireside Chat – Fluoride, Distilled Water & Liquid Therapies – November 12th, 2011 Radio Show.
You may know distilled water as the stuff you buy to pour into an iron, but it’s actually one of the safest types of water to drink. You can count on distillation to remove harmful microorganisms not eliminated by all water treatment methods, reports the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. While distillation removes beneficial minerals, it also gets rid of heavy metals and other contaminants.
The process of distilling water begins by collecting water in a tank and heating it to the boiling point. Steam that rises from the boiling water enters condensing coils, which are metal tubes twisted into a coil. As the steam travels through the coils, it cools down and turns back into the water. The water that comes out of the coils is distilled. Boiling the water removes bacteria and other microorganisms. Minerals and other substances dissolved in the original water stay behind as the steam rises. In fact, distillation removes more than 99.9 percent of all minerals in water, reports the University of Georgia.
Distillation is the only purification process that eliminates harmful microorganisms with absolute certainty, reports the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. This is a vital health benefit for anyone with a weak or compromised immune system because distillation destroys parasites that may not be affected by other treatment methods. One parasite, Cryptosporidium, is resistant to commonly used water disinfectants such as chlorine, but distillation removes it. Cryptosporidium can make healthy people sick and cause severe illness or even worse if your immune system is weak. Those with weakened immune systems should use distilled water, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Even though distillation removes healthy minerals, the process …

Katadyn 2110070 “Drip Ceradyn” Camping Water Filter System – Review – The Katadyn Drip Ceradyn Camping Water Filter is a self-contained, stand alone gravity filter that requires no pumping, hookup, or electricity.

The Katadyn 2110080 Ceradyn features three silver impregnated ceramic filters and a 10-liter water container for large quantities of water. It’s ideal for camps, cabins and homes without running water. The Katadyn Drip Ceradyn element offer 0.2 micron ceramic filtration to reduce 99.99% of parasites, pathogenic bacteria, and microbial cysts.…

Are You Drinking Water the Right Way? – Sadhguru

Sadhguru reveals yogic wisdom on the best way to keep and consume water so that it responds best in your system and enhances your health and wellbeing.

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Reverse Osmosis (R.O.) Water Filters & Filter Systems | Pelican Water Systems

In this video, we’ll show you how reverse osmosis (commonly known as R.O.) works. Reverse osmosis water filter systems are basically designed to filter and reduce the amount of contaminants in your drinking water, making it cleaner and safer. External pressure is used to remove contaminants like Arsenic, Barium, Copper, Radium, Fluoride, Lead and much more! The process includes sending water through a semipermeable membrane, which is similar to a sponge, that allows some particles to pass through while others cannot. Water with fewer particles then naturally moves adjacent to water with more particles. This process makes your drinking water cleaner and healthier! If you would like to learn, come to our site to learn all about what is reverse osmosis (R.O.) water today! Thanks for watching!…

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